31 January 2007

"I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. I have general malaise."

Just a quick post before I start classes today. The tiredness due to steroids has fully set in this week. In addition to going to bed supremely early last night, I slept on the train this morning (the late train t 10:19 a.m.)! I have no idea how I am going to handle the next three days of the 7:30 a.m. train. Blah.

Otherwise, Lissa proclaims that I should stick with the term "general malaise" to describe my side effects because it sounds so old-fashioned and high class (and, as we are all aware, I am destined to be a Lady at some point in my life). So thank you FDA for your general description of the side effects of Endocort ... and the general malaise.

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