17 April 2007

Mr. John Q. Public - UK style

Ever realize the names listed on credit cards in advertisements? Sadly, I do, with most going with John Smith or recently J Webb. Anyway yesterday I spied the UK-styled John Q. Public on the Lothian bus service (Mr. Len Dahand - ha ha) and at Debenham's department store (Miss Deb N. Ham).

Side notes from the Scotland trip, I had to go up to school in Edinburgh to have a meeting with my dissertation supervisor - everything went fine and I am fully approved and set to complete in August. Also my Virgin Train ride home took over four hours, instead of the regular 2 1/2, thanks to a lorry striking a bridge and a train traffic jam before York. Made for the long day. Apparently not as though as the south traveling train in the morning who struck three cows on the rail at 100 mph. According to the train staff, one ended up being thrown from the track and landed in the tree and the farmer who owned the tree couldn't be found, so for three hours travellers enjoyed a bovine tree.

Finally, I was fully convinced my friend Kim was having a baby girl in August - Katie said I was totally wrong. Well I was proved completely wrong when she found out yesterday she's having a boy. Congrats!!


Anonymous said...

You didn't visit :(

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.