12 February 2007

The Curse of Mediocrity

Have you ever been whapped in the face with something so profound you don't know what to do with it? I had a face-whapping moment this morning while walking to work. Perhaps I should preface this statement with the fact that I have a 40 minute walk to work, which for me is like my 20 minute drive into work at home (in which I drove without a radio - really lets you mind wander. Try it.).

During this walk this morning it realized that I am over halfway done with my master's program and I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do after I finish. Do I stay in Scotland? Do I go home? Do I go someplace else? What type of PR do I go back to? And then it whapped me in the face ... I'm not really "great" at anything, I'm just mediocre at lots of things. Sure PR is the jack-of-all-trades, but surely I should be great at something. Is someone who has done food-wholesale-government-not for profit-law enforcement-education-financial PR great? These are the things that worry me at night ... is mediocrity a great thing to be?

After work, I was in need of solitude and thankfully have a very large Minster to run to. And luckily at 5:15 p.m. everyday is choral evensong which fills the Minster with voices and organ music. The Minster is one place I will never tire of - and I very glad to have it in my city. And now I am worn out - off to bed ... goodnight to my readers (wherever you may be)!


Anonymous said...


I think you are selling yourself short. I would not categorize you as mediocre by any stretch.

Your varied background is valuable. I've done healthcare PR/mktg. for most of my 10-year career. (Not counting my time as an ambulance chasing TV reporter, of course.) While I've done many things within the healthcare realm, I envy you for having such an assortment of experiences in different industries.

You're very lucky that you've been able to have those experiences. If it makes you feel any better, my current VP has also worked in many industries, including financial/banking, retail, defense/military, high tech and now healthcare. Mediocre? No way! And neither are you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Lisa - You are great at a lot of things! I have complete faith in you and know you are going to continue to fantastically perform God's role for you! Always in your corner - jeff.