03 October 2006

The Scottish Buckeye

After the Buckeye win on Saturday (which I found out about upon waking up on Sunday -- a happy way to wake up I'd say), I have been looking for my lucky buckeye.

My original lucky buckeye for this year (picked up at the Cincinnati game at the tree by St. John's, as Dad and I do every year) is still in Ohio, since I was unsure if the Department of Agriculture would seize it as a potential threat to the UK tree population.

As I was walking around Cupar on Sunday (it was gorgeous!), I discovered a small park with trees ... six of which were UK buckeye trees, or horse chestnut on conker trees as they are known here. Upon my circling of the part, low and behold underneath the fourth tree, was my lucky Scottish buckeye. Now I can begin writing ....


Anonymous said...

Good call on not upsetting the Department of Agriculture....you know I'm speaking from experience after that tiny "incident" in New Zealand with the apple.

Anonymous said...

Have enjoyed reading bout your experiences while in Scotland and see the pics keep them comming.

Love from
your Uncle in Sunny California