10 September 2007

Day at the Races

Another successful day at the races! I won £29.60, not as much as last time, but still not too shabby. With half of my winnings from last time, I bought a fascinator at the Hat Company in town. What is a fascinator, you ask? It is like a hat (see picture), but usually feathery and some sort comb. Katie wore my fascinator this time and I wore my £9 one I discovered at Marks & Spencers during their sale last week. Excellent! We also enjoyed Pimms and Lemonade. V. yummy!

New pictures from both race days and Katie's birthday cake (a v. large German chocolate cake) can be viewed on Flickr.

Off to finish packing - tomorrow is my last day before going stateside for a few weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oy! Were you planning on letting me know that you were coming to the states?! Sigh.