10 October 2006

Currently on Tap ...

At the Three Tonns Pub in York - Wicked Witch Ale and Hobgoblin Ale! Both very appropriate for the season. The weather is certainly reflecting the autumn air, but I have yet to see a turned tree. It makes me miss the fall drives from Columbus to Coshocton for the Apple Butter Festival (if you haven't been - go! Apple butter and kettle corn, a can't miss!). For now I will have to be content with crisp air and the smell of fires roaring in nearby homes. My favorite season.

In other news, I have finally moved into my room. The Scottish squatter who was in my home and consquently left (to go to another home!) and I finally have my room. I am finally unpacked and somewhat in order - whew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, did the Wicked Witch finally find her ale? Or was it the other way around? 4252